Grammar Wars - The Gray Matter

While I tip-toe into this blog, after more than a year's hiatus, let's just assume I've been consistently posting throughout these past weeks, alright? Because seriously, that's my plan for this year anyway. Posting on a regular basis, I mean.

Phew, now that that awkward phase has been pushed aside, let's get on to the juicy stuff.

It's no secret that a certain Mr. Gray has overtaken the world (At least, the female population), and is currently rocking cinema screens near and far. However, before the infamous Mr.Gray appeared on the big screen, he made his first appearance in a controversial novel, Fifty Shades of Gray by E.L.James.

To begin with, while the novel started off as a small endeavor, it soon went on to become an international phenomenon with the book gaining popularity for its very steamy, very erotic scenes. Along with Mr.Gray, of course.

But along with the limelight came the criticism...and not constructive, mind you. Fifty Shades of Gray is often acclaimed for its amateurish approach, with the grammar and syntax not living up to the standard published book. Snippets of certain reviews include:

 "Famous only for its eroticism"
 "Fifty Shades of Horrible Grammar"
 "The grammar is not up to par"

 And the list could go on, and on, and on.

 However, while I don't advocate the use of improper grammar, I'd like to bring to light a few very interesting points here. Although Fifty Shades of Gray has been ridiculed by critics all over the world, it's important to know that the improper use of grammar has been present in many romance novels throughout history. Yes, even Shakespeare made grammar mistakes!

 The people over at Grammarly have put forth this idea in the best way possible - an info-graphic (don't we all love them?). This info-graphic clearly shows that while Fifty Shades of Gray might be poor in the grammar department, other critically acclaimed romance novels do fall into the same category as well.

Go on, take a look. And seriously, cut Mr. Gray some slack, will ya?

Grammarly: Fifty Shades of Grammar

Until the next time,




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